
Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Waiting With Christ"

Sunday, November 9, 2014
First Congregational United Church of Christ – Sermon by Rev. Caela Simmons Wood

There’s been a lot of name calling happening lately. We don’t have a TV, so I’ve been spared the nasty ads leading up to the election, but I have heard from lots of you that they’ve just been terrible. My assessment is that 99% of the adults in this room voted in the election this past week and I know things did not turn out as many of you had hoped. This is, of course, the case in any election. There are always winners and losers….and there are always some who are elated by the results and others who are crushed. It’s never fun to be on the side of the losers.

We seem to be in a particular moment in time where the divide between people who fall on different parts of our political spectrum is massive. We seem to have an incredibly difficult time even understanding how “those people” could vote for “that other candidate.” After the election results were posted this week, I had at least one Facebook friend who said, “If you voted for Brownback, just go ahead and remove yourself from my friends. I don’t want to know you any more.” And I had another friend who said, “If you voted from Brownback, please, can you just tell me why? I want to understand. I promise not to argue with you.” A lot of people replied…but my friend wasn’t able to find one person who voted for the Governor. Interesting, right? We are so neatly divided that sometimes we can’t even find someone to talk to about our differences.

This week, our Scriptures speak to us of wisdom and foolishness. Seems pretty timely, given the amount of head shaking I’ve seen this past week. “I just don’t get it. How could anybody be that stupid to vote for so-and-so?”

The problem, though, is that I’m not so sure I agree with the author of Matthew about who is foolish and who is wise. This is a bizarre little passage, to be sure, and we’ve got to wade through a lot of strangeness to grapple with it.

For starters, there are some very real historical obstacles. The folks back in Jesus’s day didn’t do weddings quite the same way we did. From what I have gathered, it typically went something like this. The Groom and his family would get together at the Groom’s family’s house. They Bride and her friends and family would get together at her house. Hence, the bridesmaids in our story. They are the friends of the Bride waiting with her. When the Groom came over, he and the Bride would consummate the marriage while the friends and family waited outside. Hey, I said it was kind of different from how we do things now. After the couple finished, they would have a big party. The party might last for days. No one wanted to miss the party.

So….here we have ten of the Bride’s friends, waiting for Groom to show up and get the party started. They all show up to wait. They all bring their lamps, just in case they have to wait into the evening hours. But the wait is long. They fall asleep. And the Groom doesn’t show up until after midnight. They jump up and get themselves ready, but half of the Bridesmaids – the “foolish” ones – find they are out of oil for their lamps. So they ask the “wise” ones to share. But the wise Bridesmaids say no and the foolish ones are out of luck.

Who is really foolish and who is really wise? Wouldn’t it have been reasonable to expect the Groom to show up before midnight? Wouldn’t it have been reasonable to expect those who had plenty to share a little with those who didn’t have enough? And, perhaps most troubling of all, wouldn’t it have been reasonable to expect the Groom to be gracious….to let the foolish Bridesmaids into the party even though they were late?

Well, these folks apparently don’t live in a reasonable world. And we who live in Kansas can certainly appreciate that, right? We don’t live in a reasonable world, either.

We live in a world that expects those who start out with nothing to fend for themselves and claw their way to self-sufficiency. We live in a world that rarely asks those who have more than enough to share what they have. After all, why should I share when I was smart enough to pack extra? It’s not my fault that those stupid people didn’t think ahead.

We live in a world where two adult earners making minimum wage stand no chance of paying their bills each month. We live in a world that is more concerned about the right to bear arms than our children’s right to safety in their schools and homes. We live in a world with very few safety nets. A world where a job loss, car breakdown, or bad diagnosis is often all that stands between the haves and the have nots. A world where we spend more money on prisons than schools. A world that sends our young women and men into the hell of warfare and then fails to support them when they come back home.

I could go on. But perhaps I’ll stop.

After all, you don’t need me to tell you that we live in a world that seems fairly unreasonable much of the time. Suffice to say that I feel a little cranky about us putting all the blame on the five foolish Bridesmaids. Maybe I’m defensive because I would have likely been one of them. I don’t know. Maybe I’m cranky because I really would have expected the wise women to share.

More than anything, though, I think this parable really gets under my skin because of Jesus. What the heck are you doing here, friend? Really? Just because the five women are a few minutes late you’re going to shut them out completely? That doesn’t sound like you to me. Not one bit. I would have expected better from you, Jesus. Tell me this isn’t really what the kingdom of God looks like. A commenter on a blog post about this passage said something like, “I know Jesus and I know he would be sticking his foot in that door to hold it open for me just a bit.” I agree. The Jesus I know doesn’t shut people out because they are late or under-prepared.

It’s interesting, of course, that this parable falls right in the middle of several Matthean parables about the End Times. That is another thing that makes it hard for us to understand.

I’m going to hazard a guess that most of us in the room right now don’t wake up and wondering if Jesus is coming back in the clouds today, or next week, or even next year. But the people Matthew was writing for? They did think about that. Many of the people who wrote and heard the Scriptures from the Second Testament absolutely lived in anticipation of Christ coming again during their lifetimes. And so, we can kind of understand the urgency, right? Be prepared. Be alert. I want to be ready….I want to be ready….

It makes me think, though, about the places we do seek Jesus. How often do I remember to take the time to see Christ in my neighbor? How often do I open my heart and set aside my prejudices and truly allow myself to encounter Christ in an unexpected person or place? Not as often as I’d like. I’m pretty foolish when it comes to seeking Christ, actually, which is why I am so dependent on Christ’s community – the Church. I need to be reminded – regularly – that Christ is here and now. Christ isn’t likely to come back in a flash of light, I don’t think. But Christ is present wherever we foolish humans work to bring God’s Reign of Justice and Lovingkindness to our Earth. Christ is present in those places where the world is flipped upside-down – where the last are first and the least are most. Christ is present in all of those places where the people with power get together and protectively, selfishly say there isn’t enough to go around….Christ is right there saying, “Wake up, friends. There is enough. Take a risk. Do unto the least of these as you would do unto me, remember?”

Even though this passage is pretty out-dated and hard to access….even though I find this version of Jesus to be incredibly off-putting….even though I’m not certain I agree that the wise were wise and the foolish were foolish….I just can’t leave this passage alone. I keep turning it over and over in my mind, hoping there is a Word here for the Church today.

Despite the millennia between the passage and us, there does seem to be at least one theme in this passage that translates easily to humans throughout the ages: waiting. We all know about waiting. It doesn’t matter if you’re 2 months old or 102 years old. You know about waiting. A tiny baby waits to be nursed or waits for kind and loving hands to gently pick her up when she feels alone and discombobulated. A young child waits for a new toy to arrive in the mail or for summer camp to begin. A teenager waits for a text or a glance from a love interest. College students wait anxiously for those grades to be posted at the end of the semester or to see if the envelope from the grad school of their choice is thick or thin. As we become adults, we are still no stranger to waiting….we wait for our paychecks at the end of the month, we wait for our kids to come home at midnight, we wait for a phone call from the doctor, we wait for our elderly parent who lives alone to answer the phone on the fourth ring, we wait for our tax returns, retirement, that glorious vacation we’ve always dreamed of….the next election.

We all know about waiting. It’s a life skill that is good to have.

And we all know about needing Christ in the midst of that waiting. Waiting, whether it’s for something good or uncertain, provokes anxiety. It’s hard to wait. It’s easier if we remember we are not alone.

And I think that’s where I come back to the incarnational reality of Christ in our midst. Jesus Christ is not some far-off spirit in a cloud somewhere. Jesus did not die and go away forever, nor do I believe he is stuck in Heaven, completely inaccessible to us in the here at now. Jesus is here with us. Waiting. Like any good friend, Christ waits with us….for the good stuff and the uncertain stuff. One of my favorite contemporary thinkers, the Rev. Dr. David Lose, hit it on the head this week when he reminded us that in the book of Matthew this passage falls during Jesus’s own “in-between time.” It falls during his own time of waiting…during that time after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his crucifixion. Jesus knows what it’s like to wait.

This is good news. We are not alone! Thanks be to God.

And with this good news comes a responsibility, too, I think. The responsibility to remember that we are, all of us, called to be the very body of Christ in this hurting, uncertain, unreasonable, waiting world. This is difficult work and it’s incredibly challenging to sustain…especially when you feel like you’ve been spending hours and hours of your precious time and energy working for justice, only to discover that there’s no quick fix or that the system is so messed up it all seems completely hopeless. Doing the work of Christ in our world is not easy and it certainly resembles a marathon more than a sprint. I have this vision of us all lugging around giant fuel-tanker-sized containers for our oil. The night may be awfully long and we may be waiting a very long time.

Our work, I think, is to wait with each other. And to try and do a better job than the ten Bridesmaids in this story.

Can we make a deal? Can we try to be a little more kind and generous than the supposedly-wise Bridesmaids in this story? For better or for worse, it is our work to wait with each other….no matter how wise or foolish the other people seem. Our task is to show up.

In the words of Dr. Lose, “We are those who sit vigil for each other at times of pain, loss, or bereavement. We are those who celebrate achievements and console after disappointment. We are those who give hope when hope is scarce, comfort when it is needed, and courage when we are afraid. We are, in short, those who help each other to wait, prepare, and keep the faith. In all these ways, we encourage each other with the promises of Christ. That’s what it means to be Christ’s followers, then and now. And that’s why we come together each Sunday, to hear and share the hope-creating promises of our Lord.”

Thanks be to God for those who wait with us – foolish and wise. It’s just good to know we’re not alone while we wait.

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