
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

“While Shepherds Watched”

Luke 2:1-20

Sermon by Rev. Caela Simmons Wood

Christmas Eve | December 24, 2024

I wonder how long the shepherds wore their halos. 

The author of Luke tells us that “In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them.” How do you envision this in your mind? 

Up until this week, I always kind of saw the shepherds with a spotlight on them. As if they were on stage, perhaps in a Christmas pageant. “The glory of the Lord shone around them.” CLICK. Spotlight!

But then I looked up the Greek in the dictionary and it said the word means “to illuminate all around, i.e. invest with a halo.” 


“The glory of the Lord shone around them.” What does that look like, exactly? God’s glory….shining….around them? 

Regardless of how we envision it, the text says God’s light appeared and shone brightly around the shepherds. Enclosing them. Highlighting them. Marking them as important, special, holy. 

What do we know about shepherds? We know that they lived outdoors, in the elements. And so I imagine their skin was a bit weathered by the elements. I assume they were physically fit from days and weeks and months of walking long distances with their flocks. I am guessing they traveled light - carrying only what they absolutely needed. Perhaps a bedroll, a cup and plate, one change of clothes. In my mind they are rugged-looking…not surprising for a group of people whose literal job is to keep watch and protect.

If you’re thinking of them as big, burly, middle-aged men, though, you might want to reframe that a bit. Shepherds were probably much younger - what we would call teenagers or even tweens. And they may have been boys or girls. So maybe think more of a gaggle of middle school kids, right? 

And this particular group of shepherds were perhaps entry-level shepherds, not too high up in the hierarchy. Because whatever manager emailed out the weekly schedules and put them on the night shift. 

And so it was that the glory of God came to kids working the night shift in a field. Maybe they were playing a game of Marco Polo in the dark, trying to stay awake. Or just scrolling aimlessly through TikToks with one eye on the sheep. 

Scrolling, playing, pinching themselves to stay awake, yawning. Whatever they were doing, we are told, 

“an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.’ 

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom God favors!’”

In case the one angel and the glory of the Lord shining around them isn’t enough, there’s a follow-up act: “Suddenly! There was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host…” 

This multitude is not the kind of hosts we would think of. No one is wearing an apron here. This heavenly host is an army. A multitude of troops. And so, to this small group of young sheep guards comes a flock of soldiers. Are they in camo? Dress blues? Do they carry weapons? I have no idea. But I imagine them to be a powerful, intimidating group. 

Strong, confident soldiers, lined up in rows, standing at attention. The message they bring is simple, but I can hardly say it aloud without tearing up: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth PEACE….”

This army from heaven brings news of peace: a sense of safety, harmony, prosperity, calm, tranquility, connection between humanity; an end to strife, conflict, and war. 

Soldiers that bring peace. Shepherds who are given halos. A young, unmarried couple who accept the invitation to bear Christ to the world. And a baby who comes to disrupt Empire - claiming the title of Anointed One, Heir of the Most High - though he cannot yet speak or walk or talk. The most vulnerable of human creatures - a newborn infant - laid to rest not in a gilded palace but in a pile of hay in a feeding trough. 

Overnight, the world shifts on its axis. Imperceptible, perhaps, except to those who are working the night shift. Bleary-eyed, exhausted, underpaid and overworked, sleeping out, keeping watch. 

The good news of peace is not heard in the halls of power. The revolution is not televised. It seems as though Caesar may have slept through the whole thing. 

But when the heavenly visitors departed, the shepherds were guided by the light of their halos. They made haste and found the holy family and shared all that was told to them. In this way, they became not only recipients of good news, but messengers, too. 

Tidings of peace. News of extraordinary, revolutionary love. Found outside the confines of Empire. The light sneaking over the hills and shining into the crevices of our despair. 

The gift of Christmas. Not just for shepherds in the fields. 

For you. For us. For our loved ones and our enemies, too. 

Peace. An end to violence and strife. 

Emmanuel - God with us. Then. Now. Always. 

May it be so. 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

“Beginnings and Endings”

Luke 1:26-38

Sermon by Rev. Caela Simmons Wood

December 1, 2024

Our family went to see Wicked on Thanksgiving. Did anybody else see it yet? It’s so good, right? Now, it turns out that our kids have never actually seen the Wizard of Oz. So we were talking on the way to the theater about the main plot points of the movie, to see what they knew about the world of Oz. It turns out that they knew pretty much everything they needed to know, even without seeing the movie. Maybe if you live in Kansas, it’s just in your blood? 

I didn’t know until last week that the movie adaptation of the musical is actually two parts. So the movie that is out right now is just the first half of the musical. And although the end of part one certainly feels a bit like an ending, we left the theater wanting more. 

Except: part two of Wicked won’t be the end, either. Because in the Oz universe, canonical events and prequels and spin-offs abound. The singular story that Baum created in 1900 has inspired so many adaptations. And Wicked, itself, begins at the end. The show opens with the death of the Wicked Witch of the West and the rest of the show is a flashback and forward through the main characters’ lives. Endings and beginnings are all jumbled up, seamlessly flowing one into the other. 

And isn’t this the way of life? It can be difficult, at times, to tell if what we’re experiencing is an ending or a beginning. More often than not, it’s both. 


Mary’s story is like this: an unmarried teenager receives an unexpected visit from an angel. Is this the culmination of her life up until this point? Or the beginning of a new story? 


Perhaps this is why the angel says “do not be afraid.” Endings and beginnings can both feel profoundly unsettling. We get the sense that the ground is shifting under our feet and we feel unsteady. And, so often, when we’re living through these cataclysmic shifts in our own lives or in the world at large, we’re just not sure where we are on the timeline. Is this the end? Or the beginning of something new? 



Rabbi Marc Gellman has written a wonderful collection of modern midrash titled Does God Have Big Toe? Stories About Stories in the Bible. One of the stories in this collection is “The First New Year.” In this story, Adam is surprised by the setting of the sun in the Garden of Eden on that first day. The garden is suddenly dark, cold, and scary and the animals crowd around Adam for reassurance. Adam eventually falls asleep and is awakened by the warmth of the sun on his neck that next morning. He jumps up and rejoices with the animals. He assures them that the sun must be here to stay this time…..but eventually the sun begins to sink and they frantically try to build a barrier to keep the sun from setting. It doesn’t work, of course, and the animals and Adam are plunged once again into darkness and fear.

But this time God takes Adam aside and explains that everything is okay. This is just “time,” God says. The sun will do this over and over again and it will divide time into days and nights. There will also be weeks and months. Reassured, Adam starts keeping track of the passing of time – one day, two days, three days, a week, three weeks, a month, three months, and so on. All is well, until….

One day Adam notices he has marked off 11 months, 3 weeks, and 6 days. He becomes worried. “I’ve used up all the time!” he exclaims. “Tonight the sun will sink and it will never rise again because this is the end of time. I am going to have to wander around in the dark and it will be cold and I will trip over things. O, Lord, what will I do now?” Adam gathers together the animals and explains that he’s not sure if there will be a tomorrow. They huddle together for warmth and cry as they watch the sun set for the final time. 

But then….the sun begins to peek up over the edge of the garden. Just as it always has. Just as it always will. And Adam hears God counting, “Ten years is one decade….ten decades is one century….ten centuries is one millennium….ten millennia….” And Adam falls asleep to the sound of God’s voice and the birds chirping. 

Every time I read this story, I get a little misty-eyed. There is something so powerful about their innocence and confusion about endings and beginnings. It’s a theme that echoes down through the rest of the Bible, too:

It’s Noah and the animals shut up tight in the ark, wondering if the rain will ever end. It’s Queen Esther standing afraid and brave outside the King’s door, preparing to go in and plead her case. It’s the Psalmist singing that we are all like grass, here for only a short while before the world changes again. And it’s Jesus’s disciples huddled together on the night of Good Friday, weeping - for the world as they know it has ended. And it’s the women who went to the tomb on Easter morning, only to discover that the ground has shifted right under their feet. 

It’s death and it’s Resurection and it’s hopelessness and a sliver of hope. It’s broken and it’s being made whole. It’s the end and the beginning and it’s messy and it’s beautiful and it’s all wrapped up together. 


Our Advent theme this year is “words for the beginning.” As we near the end of 2024, we remember that, in the church year, Advent marks the beginning of a new year. Every year, the liturgical calendar starts over with the first Sunday of Advent. As our world here in the Northern Hemisphere grows cold and dark, we remember that sunlight may grow scarce, but winter is just a stop on the cosmic timeline of creation. The days will lengthen again. God will keep counting off the decades and centuries and millennia. We exist in this one moment in time but there are countless spin offs, prequels, sequels, and alternative timelines yet to be written. 

As we step into a new year with intentionality, how can we find a way to welcome the beginnings and endings that are all around us? Next week we’ll be doing this in a very tangible way as we mark the transition to Common Table that’s coming up in January. It can feel difficult to say this out loud, but Second Helping is coming to an end. Yes, it will continue on in new ways through our connections to Common Table. There are many things to celebrate as Common Table begins its new life at the Lincoln Center. It will be easier and more welcoming for guests and volunteers. We will meet the needs of our community more effectively. And at the same time, Second Helping as we know it, will be ending. No more lunches piled up in the fridge during the week. No more store rooms in the basement. No more meals around our tables every Sunday night. It’s an ending. And there is grief there, even as we celebrate the new beginning taking place at the same time. 

And we are also celebrating another new beginning! Week before last, Deane and I cleared out half the closet in Blachly Hall to make space for the Center of Hope Ministry. They’ll be providing warm, overnight shelter in Pioneer-Blachly beginning tonight. And it turns out that some of our neighbors that we’ve welcomed on Sunday evenings at Second Helping will still find a warm welcome in this space through the Center of Hope Ministry.

Endings and beginnings.  If you listen you can almost hear God counting, “Ten years is one decade….ten decades is one century….ten centuries is one millennium….ten millennia….” 


When you came in this morning, you should have received a piece of purple yarn. If you didn’t, please give a wave and we’ll make sure you get one. If you’re worshiping on Zoom, I hope you’ll be able to find your own piece of yarn or string. 

Take a look at the yarn. It has a beginning and an ending, yes? If you bring the beginning and ending together, you have a circle - one of the primary symbols of Advent. That’s why we have wreaths during this season. Beginnings and endings and sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which because they’re all tied up together. 

This yarn is for you to carry throughout Advent. You could tie it in a circle around your wrist or just stick the loop in your pocket or tie it onto a bag. But when you look at this piece of yarn, I hope you’ll remember this cycle of beginnings and endings. How can we honor the blessings and challenges found in all our endings and beginnings? May the Spirit guide us in this season and beyond as we remember wisdom found in the old stories, find gratitude in the present moment, and seek a future that honors God’s vision of justice and peace for all creation. 

May it be so. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

“A Tale of Two Queens”

Esther 1: 7-12a, 4:10-17

Sermon by Rev. Caela Simmons Wood

November 17, 2024

Today’s contemporary reading is VERY contemporary - it’s only a week old. Last week, five days after the election. the Rev. Amelia Fulbright shared a list of 10 actions and inactions with the people of the Congregational UCC of Greensboro, North Carolina. 

We will

  1. Not shut down & go into hiding.

  2. Not keep silent for the sake of keeping the peace. 

  3. Not suppress our anger, but we will use it as fuel for the work of justice.

  4. Not minimize the fears of marginalized people.

  5. Not succumb to flimsy false equivalences for both sides ism-s.

  6. Not be deceived by the politics of 'us' & 'them.'

  7. Use whatever power we have to protect and uplift the most vulnerable among us.

  8. Be doggedly committed to telling the truth.

  9. Cling to one another in community & not try to do this on our own.

  10. Embrace joyful living as an act of faithful resistance. (habit, not feeling).

It’s quite the list, isn’t it? It made me think about what my own list might look like. And what our list might look like. What WILL we do - and what will we NOT do - at this moment in hsitory? 

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s no shortage of people in this world who are interested in telling you how to spend your time. People have lots of things THEY want to do, and they often want you join them. People have lots of OPINIONS about how you should be spending your time. When the heat gets cranked up (and, boy, has it been cranked up for, oh, the last decade or so) people get very impassioned about how they’re spending their time. And we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking everyone else should be doing what WE’RE doing. We look at how other people are Loving Loudly and wonder, “Is that what I should be doing?” We feel lonely in our work and invite (or, sometimes, let’s be real, SHAME) others into joining our work. 

I’d like to invite us all to take a deep breath. 

Okay - how about another one? 

Oh, and let’s not forget our shoulders. Are they up here? Let’s bring those down. 

And gather around for a story. 

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away from here in time and space, but perhaps not-so-very-far-away-from-here in spirit and sort, there were two queens. One said “no” and one said “yes.” 

They ruled alongside a king named Ahasuerus. The Book of Esther tells he us was king of the 127 provinces of the Persian Empire, stretching all the way from India to Ethiopia. 

The Rev. Kaji Douša describes him like this:

You may not know his name, but, 

oh, you know him. 

The kind of man so 

filled with entitlement that he would 

order [his wife] to interrupt her important work and 

Enter a den of drunkards with their ogling eyes. 

The kind of man so accustomed to 

accessing a woman’s body that 

when she refused, 

he was so overcome with rage that he 

punished her brutally. [1]

This kind of man doesn’t only exist in long ago, far away places, does he? 

Well, in those days, as the king sat on his big, important throne in his winter palace in Susa, he was still a baby king in some ways—just three years into his reign. And the king was doing what those who rule Empire love to do….relax, throw a party, let the wine flow freely, invite all the important people, remind them of their place in the pecking order, show off. 

And this...this was quite a party. It went on for, we are told, for six months. And when it ended, the king gave a second party for everyone in the citadel. And this was also a big party. “Drinks were served in golden goblets,” the text says. “and the royal wine was lavished according to the bounty of the king. Drinking was by the jug-full, without restraint.” 

This party was a party just for men. We know this because we are told there was a second party next door, a party for women, hosted by Queen Vashti. That’s the important work that the king interrupted when he demanded her presence. She was doing her duty, welcoming guests into the royal palace. 

So, on the seventh day of this party, when the king is good and drunk, he calls together his eunuchs and orders them to bring the queen to him. To the party with all the drunk men. To the party where there are, presumably, no women present. The king wants to show her off like the prize piece of property that she is. He even goes so far to tell her what she should wear for the show:

Her crown. 

A brief word about how this is all supposed to work, because it’s not what most of us are accustomed to. The king had many women at his disposal. The queen, yes, but also a whole harem of other women to choose from. These women, including the queen, mainly lived in their own world, apart from the king and the minions of Empire. 

The men they interacted with most often were the eunuchs - men uninterested in stealing the king’s property, i.e. the women. The eunuchs acted as the go-between for these two separate worlds. And when the king decided he wanted to see a certain woman, his wife or one of his many other options, he sent a eunuch to fetch her. 

The woman’s job was clearly defined. She was to say yes. Every time. No exceptions. In fact, I’m pretty certain the yes wasn’t even expected. Saying no was such an impossibility that yes wasn’t even required. When the eunuch comes for you, you fix your face and go to the king. That’s the only option. 


The drunk king called for Queen Vashti, his wife, to show her off to his buddies. Wearing her crown. 

And, the text says this: “Queen Vashti refused.” 

She said no. 

And because of her “no” we meet the second queen in this story. 

Born into a world where girls and women were considered to be men's property, Queen Esther was incredibly vulnerable from the beginning. We are told that she was an orphan, which means she had no protectors. Fortunately, a cousin named Mordecai took her into his household. 

The Hebrew verb for “take” is prominently featured in Esther’s story. She is taken into Mordecai’s home. She is taken from Mordecai and delivered to the palace, where she is taken to the king. Eventually, she is taken as the king’s wife. [1]

So many things happen TO Esther. She is, at first, a fairly one-dimensional character. A vulnerable but lucky orphan, beautiful and compliant. It seems that she is everything Queen Vashti was not - she knows how to play the palace games, she knows she must come to the king when called, she knows she’s not supposed to make waves. 

But this is not a fairytale, and I want us to imagine for a minute what we also know to be true about Esther. We know that she was a young woman who had gone through immense trauma. Orphaned - and taken from the only family she had ever known to live with a bunch of strangers as a part of the king’s harem. And while a part of the king’s harem, she had a secret that she knew she had to keep: she couldn’t tell anyone she was a Jew for fear of retaliation. We don’t know how young she was when all of this happened, but we know she was still just a girl. Esther had to navigate things no child should have to understand. Esther was a survivor. 

If we look at Queen Esther through a trauma-informed lens, we know that she had likely developed lots of coping techniques to continue navigating her life. So it comes as no surprise to me that when Mordecai asks her to intervene on behalf of the Jewish people - to use her position of influence and be a hero - she wants no part of it. She responds with a litany of the rules because rules can keep you safe. She knows that the rule is you only go to the king when called. You do not initiate contact. To do so is to risk death. 

Mordecai presses on, trying to convince her that she must act. He says, “Do not think that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for such a time as this.”

I’ve always heard this story through a kind of Wonder Woman lens. Esther, brave and strong, realizes that she is destined to be the savior of her people and courageously steps forward to lead the way. 

But Esther’s bravery is not a savior complex. Instead, her strength comes from a life of surviving a million little traumas and pain. She has learned to push forward even when things are difficult because her life has been difficult. And, if we read Mordecai’s words carefully, we also see that her decision to act is perhaps not so much about saving the day as it is a resigned understanding of the current state of affairs. 

As a Jewish woman living in the palace on the eve of a state-sanctioned genocide, her options are limited. She can either do nothing, which means she will likely be killed along with all the other Jews, or she can take a huge risk and fight for her people, which might still get her killed - or might lead to a happier ending. 

Esther, who has had a lifetime of practice at doing hard things, decides she’ll take the chance. She says “yes.” Maybe she does it because she’s feeling like Wonder Woman. Or maybe she does it because if you’re likely to get killed, you might as well die trying to do the right thing. Maybe she’s incredibly brave. Maybe she’s incredibly exhausted. Most likely, she’s both. 

Queen Esther’s YES. And Queen Vashti’s NO. 

You see, it’s not that saying yes is the right thing to do. And it’s not that saying no is the right thing, either. The answer lies in what Dorothy Bass calls the spiritual practice of “saying yes and saying no.” It’s about “renounc[ing] the things that choke off the fullness of life that God intended for us, and follow[ing] through on our commitments to pray, to be conscientious, and to be in mutually supportive relations with other faithful persons. These acts take self-discipline. We must learn the practice of saying ‘no’ to that which crowds God out and ‘yes’ to a way of life that makes space for God.” [1] 

So, friends, in this frantic season of wondering WHAT’S NEXT, my prayer for all of us is that we can take a breath. Lower our shoulders. Seek the Spirit’s wisdom. Adjust our crowns and emember these two queens who said yes and no. 

May your “yes” be yes, and your “no” be no. May you seek the work that is yours to do and invite (not coerce!) others to consider joining you. 

Remember that bravery and love flow from both answers. 

(And probably go ahead and lower your shoulders again, too. 

For good measure.) 



Sunday, November 10, 2024

“No Matter What”

Exodus 16:11-18,31,35

Sermon by Rev. Caela Simmons Wood

November 10, 2024

“The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.”

There’s a powerful scene at the very end of the 2021 sci-fi-satire film Don’t Look Up. It’s a movie about scientists who are trying to warn everyone else about a literal meteor that’s about to hit Earth. The movie itself is hilarious at points in a “you have to laugh or else you’ll just spend all your time crying” kind of way. It pokes fun at our 24-hour news cycle, misinformation, corporate greed, clueless politicians, and more. No matter what the facts in front of their faces show, people simply aren’t willing to believe a meteor is coming for them. Even when they can see it directly overhead. 

And at the end of the movie, the main characters and their loved ones gather for dinner. They come together around the kitchen table. They turn off the news. They tell stories about mundane things. They reminisce. At one point, they all hold hands and wonder if they should pray. But no one really knows how to. The sole religious person among them finally prays: asking for grace, forgiveness, and most of all, for God’s love and care to soothe them and give them courage through the difficulties that lie ahead. 

And then the talk turns to apple pie and whether storebought or homemade is better. The scene is overlaid with a montage of images from what’s happening out there in the rest of the world - the meteor is crashing, people are running, babies are being born, children are laughing, couples are kissing, animals are panicking. But around this kitchen table it could be any other day. They are talking about apple pie and coffee. They are holding hands. The coffee cups on the table are shaking and, finally, the walls begin to peel away. 

As poet Joy Harjo writes, “Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last sweet bite.”


It’s no accident that so many of our sacred stories are about eating and gathering around tables. As Harjo says, “No matter what, we must eat to live.” 

Jesus’s first miracle is water into wine at a wedding party. And later, of course, the loaves and fishes. Elijah asks the widow to make him a bit of bread with her meager ration of flour and oil. The lovers in the Song of Songs sing about pomegranates and milk and honey. There are parables about fig trees and the giant party thrown for the prodigal son when he returns home. The leaders in the early church fretted and argued about how to sit down at tables together when some of them followed more restrictive dietary laws than the others. Jesus cooks up a breakfast of fish on the lakeshore after the Resurrection. And we still remember that last meal with his disciples every time we gather at the table for Communion. 

Even the prayer that Jesus taught his followers reminds us we all have to eat to live: “give us this day our daily bread.”


The Israelites didn’t have tables to gather around when they were wandering in the wilderness. 

They had left their tables behind. And their grain. And their yeast. And their bowls. And their ovens. They dropped it all and left home - striking out in hopes of a better future. They were told they were headed for the land of milk and honey. They were told things would be better on the other side. They were told that all they needed to do was believe, hope, and follow - and that they’d finally be free. 

Imagine their surprise when it turns out the Promised Land wasn’t just next door. I was talking with my pastor friend Leah earlier this week and she made the observation that there’s really no reason they should have been wandering in the desert for 40 years. They should have been able to make that journey a lot faster. But, hey, if there’s one thing we know about humans it’s that we’re not always able to do things the way we’re supposed to. We mess up. We disappoint. We wander in circles, making the same mistakes and getting lost in the same way. We fail. We fall short. And often we manage to do it over and over and over again. 

And in all that wandering, Harjo’s words rang true: “No matter what, we must eat to live.” 

And so the people of God found themselves in the wilderness without a table to gather ‘round. No chairs to pull up. No tea cups to warm their hands. No pitchers of water to share. No bread fresh out of the oven. Nothing. They were depleted. Lost. Exhausted. Despondent. 

The story goes that God showed up: quail in the evening, manna in the morning. Bellies were filled. Needs were met. Stories were shared. Perhaps you’d even like to imagine families gathering around a big boulder here or there - makeshift tables in the wilderness. 


On Wednesday morning, manna showed up here at church. I came down at 8:00 a.m. to turn the lights on in case anyone needed to stop in for a hug or prayer before beginning their day. As I left the house that morning, I grabbed a box of brownie mix from my pantry. It just seemed like the kind of day where brownies might be helpful. 

I turned on the oven in the kitchen and suddenly realized, “Wait. I can’t make these brownies. I didn’t bring an egg.” And I couldn’t run out to the store because I wanted to be present at the church in case anyone stopped by. Ugh.

Before 9:00 a.m. Linda showed up. We shared a big hug and she told me she had come to put the coffee on. Before long, she was bustling around the kitchen - coffee, tea, storebought snacks - all lovingly set out for anyone who might need them that day. 

And then Jackie showed up with groceries for Second Helping. Linda and I visited with her as she put them away. We all noticed that it was good to have something tangible to do in the wilderness - groceries need to be brought in, volunteer slots still need to be filled, people still need to eat to live. Also? It turns out there were extra eggs in the Second Helping groceries and Linda assured me I could have one for the brownies. At one point I heard the voice of a man that was unfamiliar to me. And I heard Sandy talking to him and sharing info about the Common Table meals and walking him out to the Blessing Box to see what else they could find out there. 

Before long, the kitchen smelled like chocolate and then Janet showed up with an armfull of carbs from Parkside. It all went onto the table - coffee, tea, water, fruit, brownies, croissants, and more. It was more than really anyone needed but that table anchored the day. People continued to wander in and out all day long - numb, confused, sad, angry, surprised, unsure. And the kitchen table stood steady. 

“The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.”


People are hungry right now. They were hungry a week ago. They’ll be hungry next week, too. 

Sometimes that hunger is physical: a craving for something that tastes good, a basic alarm bell in our rumbling tummies reminding us it’s time to fuel up, or the deeper hunger when we don’t have access to the food we need. 

Sometimes that hunger is emotional: we need to be held, soothed, heard, understood, seen. 

Sometimes that hunger is spiritual: we need to know we’re not alone in the wilderness, that something exists beyond what we can see in front of our own faces, that we don’t live our lives in vain. 

“No matter what, we must eat to live.”


And so we keep gathering around kitchen tables. We sit with family, friends, and strangers, too. We pass the plates and refill the glasses and make sure everyone has what they need. When we notice people lingering around the edges, we scoot over and pull up a chair for them. We make new friends. We re-tell the stories we learned from our ancestors. We pray and tell jokes. We compliment the chef and ask if we can help with the dishes. 

Quail in the evening and manna in the morning. We say we don’t quite understand how the Spirit makes it happen - except we do understand a little, don’t we? We show up and make the coffee. We bring carbs to share. We walk each other to the Blessing Box and we show up with groceries for Second Helping. We open up our arms and hearts to receive one another - keeping a special eye out for those who have been pushed to the margins. We remind each other that there’s no need to hoard - that there’s actually enough for everyone if we just remember to share. 

It took our ancestors a lot longer than it should have to reach the Promised Land. Some of them never made it. Time and time again they disappointed one another. They had to stop to lick their wounds. There were shouting matches and tears. They argued about the best route. They failed to learn from their mistakes. They lost hope. They found it again. They carried the sick and tired when their feet gave out. They took turns chasing the children and carrying the babies. They wandered in circles. They found themselves back at the beginning. They cried tears of frustration. 

They kept gathering around tables. Because the world begins and ends and begins and ends ane begins at the kitchen table. 

Beloveds, it is my prayer for you that you that in all our many beginnings and endings and everything in between, you will continue to find the sustenance you need. 

And that you will keep showing up at tables to share what you have - especially with those who need it most. 

May it be so.